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a wife. a mother. a happy daughter's of ayah & mak.

Saturday, June 13, 2009



lame aku x update blog nih... skang nih aku terasa sgt2 sunyi... alone... sbb tuh aku rajen kn dri aku ngan update blog nih... seyes... sblm ni aku x penah ase sunyi cam mane aku rse skang... kosong... cam xde pape... huhuhuhu...

aku rindukan famili aku... member2 aku... time sunyi2 camni, ade la org suh aku layan lagu 'Luhur' dr Kamikaze... waaaa... mmg agk mnambah kerinduan aku la... teringat blik cwit moment brsama org trsyg... mmg seksa jiwa... haahahahaha... nk2 duk lam blik yg hanye kite sorg je kt dlm tuh... xde sore2 yg bese kite dgr... sbenar nye, aku jdik cmni sbb ak da khilangan sorg kawan yg bole aku kate kn da greatest fren i ever had la... mgkin aku x kan jmpe da die utk slame2 nye... tp, andai kata aku msih dpt jmpe ngan die, aku syukur sgt2... thanks 4 being a part of my life... ak ley doa kn yg die bjaye lam idup die... huhuhuhuhu...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

aiyokkk....ikin tagged saye ler....

fuhhh....lame x jenguk blog...tgk2 kne tagged ngan ikin...nk jawab nih...hehe

Here we go. Please answer the questions in English. Huyoo...

1.You must answer all the questions.

2.Tag 5 people to do this quiz.

- aja
- cik cikun
- ain
- sue
- sopi

1. What’s your full name?

Norliyana binti erain...

2. Do you hate someone at this moment?


3. What makes you hate her/him?

I don't know.....haahha....

4. You love your family?

Yessssssss.........of course laaa...

5. List 5 names of your friends that you love.

Hurm...I love all my friends..not 5..huhu..

6.Why do you love them?

Too many reason.....

7. Who do you prefer, your dad or mom?

I need both....hehehe...

8. Did someone make you cry this week?

Yesssss...I hate crying!!!!

9. When was the last time you make your friend laugh?

Just now.....hihihi

10. Do you like someone at this moment?


11. What was the last present you received?

Sweet moment......

12. Are you missing someone?


13. What was the last message did you received from your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend?

Not important for me to remember dat....hahaha....

14. What was the last comment you received?

In my frenster....

15. What is your wish for your birthday this year?

Hurm....hope i can see my 'bro' again.....huk3....